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🚀 From Petroleum Engineering to Data Analytics to Cyber Security

A Career Transition Fueled by Passion and Opportunity

Hello there,

In this edition, we had a chat with Osamuedemen “Osams” Asemota, who pulled off a double pivoting. Osams is a Cyber Security professional and he shares his story from a decade in the oil and gas industry to learning new Cyber Security skills.

"Embrace change, leverage your existing skills, and immerse yourself in continuous learning to navigate the dynamic path from non-tech to tech successfully."

Osamuedemen “Osams” Asemota

FXTT: What motivated your transition from Petroleum Engineering to Data Analytics, and then to Cybersecurity?

Osams: My career transition was driven by a blend of interest and opportunity. Once I decided to leave the oil and gas industry, Data Analytics seemed like a natural progression due to my existing skills in data manipulation. But that was the easy pivot, my end focus was Cybersecurity which has always intrigued me. I was particularly inspired by the Darknet Diaries podcast and all the global happenings in the cyber security space.

My passion for Cybersecurity was much stronger than for Data Analytics, and the industry's rapid growth and skill shortage during COVID-19 were also motivating factors to finally making the switch from analytics to cyber.

FXTT: How did your background in Petroleum Engineering prepare you for a career in Data Analytics and then Cyber Security?

Osams: My journey from Petroleum Engineering to Cybersecurity, with a pivotal transition through Data Analytics, was underpinned by a strong foundation in data skills. The analytical and problem-solving skills developed in Petroleum Engineering were directly applicable to Data Analytics, which involves interpreting complex data sets and deriving actionable insights. Data Analytics acted as a bridge for me to Cyber Security, working as a SIEM Engineer

FXTT: Could you describe your responsibilities as a SIEM Engineer and how your previous experiences have contributed to your success in this role?

Osams: SIEM is Security Information and Event Management. As a SIEM Engineer, I analyze logs from computers and servers to identify potential threats. My previous experiences in Petroleum Engineering and Data Analytics, especially my proficiency in SQL and Excel, have been instrumental in my success. I'm also moving towards Threat Intelligence, using my analytical skills to preempt potential security breaches.

FXTT: What were some challenges you faced during your transition, and how did you overcome them?

Osams: The major challenges included overcoming imposter syndrome and the steep learning curve. It’s important to always remember that you were hired for a reason. That will help combat imposter syndrome. Accepting the pain of learning as an investment in my future allowed me to persevere through the initial difficult phase of my new career.

FXTT: Can you discuss the role of formal education and certifications in your journey? 

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