🚀 Master's, Bootcamp, or Self-Study

Aderimke Lala Weighs In on Educational Paths for Aspiring Tech Professionals

Hello there,

In this edition, we delve into the intriguing decision-making process behind choosing the optimal educational path for a career transition into tech. We're privileged to present an insightful conversation with Aderimike (Rimi) Lala, who has navigated both a formal Master’s program and self-study to establish herself in the tech industry. Rimi offers a deep dive into the merits and considerations of each approach. Her experiences and reflections serve as a guiding light for those considering the best educational path for tech transition.

"Your success in tech depends not just on your educational choice but on how you leverage and apply that learning in real-world scenarios."

Aderimike Lala

FXTT: Can you share your career journey and why you chose your current path?

Rimi: Initially, I tried to be a doctor but ended up studying economics. My career journey began in the banking sector, and then I ventured into market research with Ipsos, delving into field analysis. The satisfaction of translating data insights into actionable business strategies led me to pursue a Master's in Management and Business Analytics at Ivey. This program, blending business and tech, was pivotal in steering my career toward analytics.

FXTT: How did your educational choices influence your transition into tech?

Rimi: To transition to tech, I pursued a Master's in Management and Business Analytics to blend my business background with technical skills. While the program provided a foundational understanding and valuable networking, much of my technical learning came through self-directed efforts.

FXTT: How pivotal was your Master's degree in your career transition?

Rimi: The Master's program at Ivey was important for me, particularly due to its brand recognition in Canada. The program opened networking opportunities and provided me with the foundation to build on.

FXTT: What's your take on self-learning versus structured programs for someone aspiring to transition to tech?

Rimi: Self-learning offers flexibility and the ability to tailor your education to specific interests or industry requirements. It requires discipline, but with the abundance of online resources, it's entirely feasible to build a competitive skill set on your own. Structured programs, on the other hand, offer guidance, peer interaction, and often a clearer pathway, which can be particularly beneficial for those who prefer a more organized approach to learning.

FXTT: Reflecting on your journey, how do you compare a Master's program to bootcamps or self-learning for someone considering tech?

Rimi: Master's programs offer structured learning and a brand that can open doors, especially in fields like analytics. However, bootcamps and self-learning can be equally effective, particularly if they're more practical and tailored to developing specific technical skills. These alternatives often require less financial investment and can be more flexible in terms of learning pace and style.

FXTT: How important is practical experience in transitioning to tech?

Rimi: Extremely important. Whether through a Master's, bootcamp, or self-learning, applying what you've learned in real-world scenarios is crucial. Internships, projects, and even personal or open-source projects can demonstrate your skills and help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

FXTT: Can you share insights on how to maximize the benefits of whichever educational path one chooses in tech?

Rimi: Regardless of the path, the key is to apply what you learn through projects or internships. Engage with communities, participate in hackathons, and build a portfolio to showcase your skills. Networking is also crucial—connect with professionals in the field, attend industry events, and stay current with tech trends.

Aderimike Lala's detailed comparison of pursuing a Master's degree, attending a bootcamp, or opting for self-learning provides a roadmap for individuals contemplating a leap into the tech sector. Aderimike's journey is a testament to the power of adaptability, continuous learning, and strategic decision-making in the tech industry. Connect with Aderimike Lala on LinkedIn to follow her career journey.